Nova Minerals Limited: Half Yearly Report and Accounts
Since the release of the Annual Report, Nova Minerals Ltd. ("Nova" or the "Company") has continued its fast-track exploration strategy at the Estelle Gold Trend in Alaska. Drilling continued throughout the period with further higher-grade feeder zones discovered at the Korbel Main Deposit (ASX Announcements: 7 October 2021) and a bonanza grade result at the RPM North Deposit of 3.5 g/t Au over 400m, including 10.1 g/t Au over 132m (ASX Announcement 11 October 2021) As a result of this drilling the Company released a maiden JORC compliant 1.5Moz Inferred Resource at its high-grade RPM North Deposit (ASX Announcement 27 October 2021) and significantly upgraded the resource at the Korbel Main Deposit to 8.1Moz, including 3Moz Indicated, which combined now gives the Estelle Project a total mineral resource of 9.6Moz.
*To view the report, please visit:
About Nova Minerals Limited:
Nova Minerals Ltd.'s (ASX:NVA) (FRA:QM3) (OTCMKTS:NVAAF) vision is to develop North America's next major gold trend. The company is focused on exploration in Alaska's prolific Tintina Gold Belt, a province which hosts a 220 million ounce (Moz) documented gold endowment and some of the world's largest gold mines and discoveries including Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine and Kinross Gold Corp.'s Fort Knox Gold Mine. The company's flagship Estelle Project has a current total estimated JORC gold resource of 9.6Moz (3Moz Indicated and 6.6Moz Inferred). Estelle is a 45km long string of 15 identified gold prospects bracketed by the Korbel deposit in the north and the RPM deposit in the south. These two deposits are currently host to extensive exploration programs.
Additionally, Nova has an indirect interest in the Canadian Thompson Brothers Lithium Project through a substantial stake in Snow Lake Resources Ltd (NASDAQ:LITM) and holds a 12.99% interest in Torian Resources Ltd. (ASX:TNR), a gold exploration company based in Western Australia.
Nova Minerals Ltd.
Nova Minerals Ltd. P: +61-3-9614-0600 F: +61-3-9614-0550 WWW: