Gladstone Pacific Nickel Limited - Notice of General Meeting
The notice of General Meeting, including an Explanatory Memorandum is being posted to shareholders.
Extracts are set out below and a copy of the full notice will be available at the Company's website at:
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting (extract)
Notice is given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of members of Gladstone Pacific Nickel Limited (ACN 104 261 887) will be held as follows:
Date: 27 March 2012
Time: 17:00 pm (AEST)
Venue: Level 2, 380 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia
The attached Explanatory Statement explains the items of business to be considered at the meeting and forms part of, and should be read in conjunction with, this Notice of Meeting.
To consider and, if thought appropriate, pass the following Ordinary Resolution:
That, for the purposes of section 611, item 7 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and for all other purposes, approval be given for the acquisition by Fairway Coal Pty Ltd (ACN 127 220 642) (Fairway Coal), a company owned by Professor Clive Palmer, of 20,118,312 shares in the Company, comprising:
(a) 3,750,670 shares in the Company pursuant to the Deed of Release dated 7 February 2012 between, among others, the Company and Fairway Coal; and
(b) 16,367,642 shares in the Company pursuant to the Sale and Purchase Agreement dated 7 February 2012 between Fairway Coal and RAB Special Situations (Master) Fund Limited,
the terms of which are summarised in the Explanatory Statement accompanying the Notice of Meeting.
By order of the Board of Directors
Karen Williams
Company Secretary
Gladstone Pacific Nickel Limited
2nd March 2012
For further information:
Gladstone Pacific Nickel Ltd
Blair Brewster
Tel: +61 (0) 7 3231 7100