Northaven Retains Condor Consulting for Geophysicial Intepretation
Condor Consulting Inc., recognized experts in the field of airborne electromagnetic will be performing detailed interpretation of the electromagnetic data acquired by Geotech and will be providing final reports in respect of each project regarding the significance of survey results. Condor has developed significant exposure to various airborne and ground-related electromagnetic technologies employed by independent contractors and major mining groups and, consequently, has conducted many evaluations of properties throughout the North, Central and Southern Cordilleras, Ireland, Spain, South Africa and Australia, several of which have identified economic mineralization.
ZTEM is a helicopter-borne AFMAG system that measures the magnetic–filed response in the 25-600 Hz frequency range of naturally occurring currents in the earth's sub-surface. The resolution of this system is analyzed by forward modeling and inverting synthetic ZTEM data using a 2D algorithm for a range of conductivity scenarios. Products derived from the ZTEM data including apparent conductivity, phase and Karous–Hjelt filtered grids appear to map geologic structure, particularly larger, elongated structures.
NORTHAVEN hopes that the ZTEM structural sensitivity will be of assistance in providing correlation between the known zones of mineralization that occur in both the Allco and King Solomon Basin properties, with the larger scale regional geological structures, particularly in identifying zones of differing conductivity which can be tied to specific mineralization replacement types not previously identified. Geotech has now completed flying the Allco property and is expected to commence flying the King Solomon Basin shortly. NORTHAVEN is awaiting receipt of data from Geotech on the Allco program whereupon the data will be provided to Condor for its review and interpretation.
NORTHAVEN'S exploration focus is evaluation of multiple mineralization occurrences, particularly gold and silver, which have the potential as possible indicators of larger more pervasive mineralization representing target zones in excess of one million troy ounces of gold and silver, or equivalents. No mineral resources compliant with National Instrument NI 43-101 have yet been identified on NORTHAVEN's properties and work on the properties to date has been exploratory in nature only.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of NORTHAVEN RESOURCES CORP.
Malcolm B. Fraser
This news release may contain assumptions, estimates, and other forward-looking statements regarding future events. Such forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties and are subject to certain factors, many of which are beyond Northaven's control, which may cause actual results or performance to differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. For further information, visit Northaven's website at
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Contact Information
Northaven Resources Corp.
Malcolm Fraser, President
604 696-3608
Northaven Resources Corp.
Allen Leschert, CEO
604 696-3600