Cohiba Minerals Limited: Quarterly Activities Report
- Acquisition of 100% of the Olympic Domain tenements was achieved through a Deed of Settlement and Release.
- A major Technical Review of HWDD03 was completed.
- Additional samples were collected from HWDD03 to provide more detailed information.
- Additional assays were reported for HWDD08 (Horse Well Prospect) with minor Cu-Au-Ag mineralisation.
- An Exploration Licence Application was submitted for 28 blocks of ground to the north and east of Pyramid Lake (WA) to secure potential additional gypsum resources.
- Acquisition of four (4) strategically located lithium projects with a combined 148km2 within known lithium terranes in Ontario, Canada was commenced.
- Company raised $1.75 million through Placement.
- Geological consultants were secured for the desktop study and reconnaissance work for the Canadian projects.
- Cash balance of $1.8M at 30 June 2023
*To view the full quarterly report, please visit:
About Cohiba Minerals Limited:
Cohiba Minerals Ltd. (ASX:CHK) is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange with the primary focus of investing in the resource sector through direct tenement acquisition, joint ventures, farm in arrangements and new project generation. The shares of the company trade under the ticker symbol CHK.
The Company recently acquired 100% of the shares in Charge Lithium Pty Ltd, which holds exploration licences in Western Australia.
Cohiba Minerals Ltd.
Andrew Graham CEO