Matamec Discovers 3 New TREO Showings in the Falaises Area
MONTREAL, QUEBEC -- (Marketwire) -- 10/05/10 -- Matamec Explorations Inc. ('Matamec' or the 'Company')(TSX VENTURE: MAT) is pleased to announce that continued exploration in the Falaises area of its Zeus property has led to the discovery of three new showings: Falaises A1, Medium Falaises and Coin (best value of 2.35% TREO and 9.7% ZrO2). In addition, highly mineralized boulders have been discovered around the close-by Couleuvre showing with a best value of 34.5% TREO.
- Three new TREO showings discovered in the Falaises area : Falaises A1,
Medium Falaises and Coin with best values of 2.35% TREO and 9.7% ZrO2;
- These new showings are considered open laterally and at depth;
- Four boulders lithologically similar to the Couleuvre showing were
discovered, with an average grade of 15.8% TREO.
Andre Gauthier, president of Matamec, underlines that 'the Falaises and Couleuvre showings are both located in the center of heliborne radiometric anomalies. Three similar anomalies, located north of Falaises and on the east shore of Sairs Lake, have not yet been fully explained. Taking this and recent discoveries into account, the potential for new discoveries in this sector of the property is very positive.'
This is the sixth set of results released from Matamec's 2010 exploration campaign on its rare earths-yttrium-zirconium Zeus property, which covers much of the Kipawa Alkalic Complex. As well as the recent discoveries at the Falaises A1, Medium Falaises and Coin showings, the 2010 campaign included work at the TH showing (see September 20th press release), Surprise showing (see August 19th, August 26th and September 2nd, 2010 press releases) and the PB-PS area, and ended with a 2115m drilling campaign on the Kipawa deposit (see September 23rd press release) with complete results yet to be announced.
The Falaises showing ('Cliffs' in French) is located in the center of the Zeus rare earths-yttrium-zirconium property (see Figure 1: Falaises was discovered in 2008 following Matamec's acquisition of a confidential heliborne radiometric survey and consists of 50 m (strike length) of impure marbles located at the base of an east-west oriented gneissic cliff. The new discoveries (Table 1 and Figure 2: consist of a 60m phlogopite-amphibole marble horizon located 75m due west of the main showing (Falaises A1 showing, best values of 0.86% TREO, 17% HREO + Y2O3 over TREO and 0.12% ZrO2) and a 10m amphibolite band located 40m north-east of the main showing (Medium Falaises showing, best values of 2.35% TREO, 5% HREO + Y2O3 over TREO and 0.32% ZrO2). These new showings are considered open laterally and at depth
The Couleuvre showing ('Garter Snake' in French) is located 900m to the west and consists in a thin, decimetric, highly hematized mafic segregation band in a per-alkalic granite. Despite its small size, this showing has consistently returned high-grade rare-earth values and the four 2010 boulders are no exception to the rule (Table 1 and Figure 2: with an average of 15.8% TREO, 11% HREO + Y2O3 over TREO and 0.04% ZrO2.
Lastly, the Coin showing is located 750m to the north of the Couleuvre showing. This showing is composed of very coarse-grained amphibole-phlogopite with abundant zircons. Both 2010 grab samples (Table 1 and Figure 2) are frost-heaved, but with an average value of 1.5% TREO, 14% HREO + Y2O3 over TREO and 7.33% ZrO2, they still nicely underline and expand on the original 2008 discovery grab sample. The Coin showing is covered in overburden and is therefore considered open in all directions.
Table 1. Grab samples from the Falaises A1, Medium Falaises,
Couleuvre and Coin showings in %
Medium Coul-
Showing Falaises A1 Falaises euvre
Grab sample AN-1 RA-25 COU-4
Nature Frost-heaved Outcrop Boulder
La2O3 Lanthanum 0.198 0.400 0.574
Ce2O3 Cerium 0.341 1.172 1.094
Pr2O3 Praseodymium 0.034 0.137 0.101
Nd2O3 Neodymium 0.102 0.413 0.315
LREO(i) Light rare
earths 0.675 2.121 2.084
Sm2O3 Samarium 0.018 0.057 0.051
Eu2O3 Europium 0.002 0.005 0.006
Gd2O3 Gadolinium 0.019 0.046 0.053
MREO(i) Medium rare
earths 0.039 0.108 0.111
Tb2O3 Terbium 0.003 0.004 0.007
Dy2O3 Dysprosium 0.015 0.017 0.033
Ho2O3 Holmium 0.003 0.003 0.006
Er2O3 Erbium 0.009 0.007 0.015
Tm2O3 Thulium 0.001 0.001 0.002
Yb2O3 Ytterbium 0.007 0.004 0.007
Lu2O3 Lutetium 0.001 0.000 0.001
HREO(i) Heavy rare
earths 0.040 0.036 0.071
Y2O3 Yttrium 0.111 0.082 0.168
HREO + Y2O3 0.151 0.118 0.238
HREO + Y2O3/
TREO % 17 5 10
TREO(i) Total rare
earths 0.865 2.348 2.433
ZrO2 Zirconium 0.119 0.320 0.023
(i) LREO: Light rare earths in oxides = La2O3 to Nd2O3.
(ii)MREO: Medium rare earths in oxides = Sm2O3 to Gd2O3.
(iii)HREO: Heavy rare earths in oxides = Tb2O3 to Lu2O3.
(iv)TREO: Total Rare Earth Oxides = LREO + MREO + HREO + Y2O3.
Sub-divisions used by Roskill Information Services Ltd. and
Industrial Minerals Company of Australia Pty Ltd.
Table 1. Grab samples from the Falaises A1, Medium Falaises,
Couleuvre and Coin showings in %
Coul- Coul- Coul-
Showing euvre euvre euvre Coin Coin
Grab sample COU-9 RA-21 RA-22 RA-31A RA-31B
Frost- Frost-
Nature Boulder Boulder Boulder heaved heaved
La2O3 2.281 3.813 1.233 0.215 0.238
Ce2O3 6.044 6.142 2.653 0.571 0.652
Pr2O3 5.852 5.852 0.279 0.068 0.077
Nd2O3 2.706 3.359 0.832 0.232 0.276
LREO(i) 16.883 19.166 4.997 1.086 1.244
Sm2O3 0.511 5.798 0.158 0.041 0.053
Eu2O3 0.048 0.061 0.015 0.004 0.004
Gd2O3 0.491 5.763 0.149 0.036 0.040
MREO(i) 1.050 11.623 0.322 0.081 0.098
Tb2O3 0.063 0.083 0.018 0.004 0.005
Dy2O3 0.399 0.547 0.095 0.019 0.023
Ho2O3 0.070 0.100 0.020 0.004 0.005
Er2O3 0.212 0.321 0.054 0.013 0.016
Tm2O3 0.025 0.040 0.008 0.002 0.003
Yb2O3 0.109 0.200 0.038 0.015 0.021
Lu2O3 0.013 0.022 0.005 0.003 0.004
HREO(i) 0.889 1.314 0.237 0.060 0.078
Y2O3 1.626 2.451 0.464 0.117 0.157
HREO + Y2O3 2.515 3.765 0.701 0.177 0.236
HREO + Y2O3/
TREO 12 11 12 13 15
TREO(i) 20.448 34.553 6.019 1.344 1.578
ZrO2 0.041 0.045 0.066 4.975 9.696
(i) LREO: Light rare earths in oxides = La2O3 to Nd2O3.
(ii)MREO: Medium rare earths in oxides = Sm2O3 to Gd2O3.
(iii)HREO: Heavy rare earths in oxides = Tb2O3 to Lu2O3.
(iv)TREO: Total Rare Earth Oxides = LREO + MREO + HREO + Y2O3.
Sub-divisions used by Roskill Information Services Ltd. and
Industrial Minerals Company of Australia Pty Ltd.
Alex Knox, geologist (M.Sc, P. Geol), and Aline Leclerc, geologist (OGQ) and Vice-President Exploration of Matamec, are qualified persons for the Zeus Project. As qualified persons, they have supervised the preparation of the scientific and technical information for the Zeus property and verified the data in this press release.
About Matamec
Matamec explores for significant gold deposits in the Timmins mining camp in Ontario of which the Matheson JV property with Goldcorp Canada Ltd. and Goldcorp Inc. is the main target. In Quebec. the Company explores for precious and base metals on its Sakami, Valmont and Vulcain properties. As well, Matamec is exploring for gold together with Northern Superior Resources Inc. on its Leperance/Wachigabau property.
Concurrently with the above mentioned exploration programs, Matamec's Quebec Tansim property is also being explored for rare metals such as lithium, tantalum and niobium.
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Matamec Explorations inc.
Andre Gauthier