Sidney Resources Corp. Assay Results At Lucky Ben Gold & Silver Project Confirm The Down-Dip Extension of The Vein Exposed Along The Lucky Ben Adit
Historical exploration records from Goldstone Corporation which completed exploration work on the Lucky Ben during the period from 1983 to 1987 state sampling of vein material in the trenches and portal dumps gave assay values ranging from 0.2 to 10.4 ounces per ton silver and 0.1 to 13.05 ounces per ton gold. This converts to a range of 5.66 g/t to 294.83 g/t of silver and 2.84 g/t to 369.96 g/t of gold. During October of 1983, backhoe trenching confirmed the extension of the vein east of the portal and exposed several former producing stopes that had carried through to the surface. Further sampling of the Lucy Ben gold-rich quartz vein system that was completed near the portal of the 6570-level adit revealed a 1.5-foot-wide quartz vein grading at 2.12 o/t gold or 60.10 g/t gold. The vein within quartz monzonite which is strongly altered for 2 to 3 feet on either side of the vein where it assays 0.056 o/t gold. These values would therefore produce a weighted average grade of 0.57 o/t or 16.16 g/t over a mined width of 6 feet.
The purpose of this program was to test for the down-dip extension of the vein exposed along the Lucky Ben Adit by J.A Czizek during work in the early 1900's. J.A. Czizek was the mining engineer with the Unity Group and projected the extension of the Little Giant and Rescue Veins to the west to where he staked the claims of the Lucky Ben Claim Group. The most significant lode gold production of the Warren District came from work by the Unity Group on the Little Giant and Rescue Veins. An article from the historic Warren Times Newspaper reported - "Unity gold mines rank among the richest mines in Idaho"......... "An ore specimen as large as a man's body assaying $11,155 (540 oz/gold/ton @ $20.67 /oz) shipped to the BOISE STOCK EXCHANGE" (1896).
In his summary report of the 2021 diamond drilling program, Geologist, Richard Morris of Spokane Valley, Washington, reported six holes were drilled in various directions and at angles designed to intersect the vein below the elevation of the Lucky Ben Adit. The program was successful as every hole intersected the vein. Two of the holes returned assays between 1/2 and one ounce/ton gold and one of these samples contained visible gold. Following is a compilation of the results.
Hole # | Direction | Angle | Au (OPT) | Ag (OPT) |
LB-1 | S 4 E | -15 | 0.16 | 5.45 |
LB-2 | S 6 W | -16 | 0.832 | 2.28 |
LB-3 | S 17 E | -17 | 0.671 | 1.10 |
LB-4 | S 14 E | -27 | 0.004 | 0.12 |
LB-5 | S 4 E | -27 | 0.10 | 0.62 |
LB-6 | S 5 W | -25 | 0.012 | 1.60 |
Dan Hally, Vice President of Operations used the following comparison to explain the significance of these assay results, "the World Gold Council defines a high-quality underground mine as having a gold ore density between 8 and 10 g/t. Our core samples had a high assay result of 23.58 g/t and the average assay result for the 6 holes drilled was 8 g/t".
He also stated, "exploration work will continue in the spring of 2022 and will include additional diamond drilling below previously mined areas with the original Lucky Ben Mine and drifting directly on the vein to be accessed from a new tunnel planned for construction at an elevation of approximately 100 feet below the existing Lucky Ben Tunnel".
For additional information please contact Dan Hally at 509-552-9858 or by email at or visit our website at
SOURCE: Sidney Resources Corp.