Cohiba Minerals Limited: September 2021 Quarterly Activities Report
- Horse Well Hole HWDD_05 was completed to a final length of 1,417.46m.
- To further investigate encouraging signs in HWDD05 a wedge hole (HWDD05-W1) is being drilled off HWDD05 to further test the target area.
- Sites were prepared for the drilling of two exploration holes at Pernatty C immediately following completion of HWDD05-W1
- Farm-In Agreement was signed with Tigers Dominion Group Pty Ltd to earn up to a 51% interest in a highly strategic IOCG target area in the Gawler Craton
- An Exploration Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (EPEPR) was completed for pending campaign of 12 new drill holes at Horse Well for up to 16,800m of drilling.
- IOCG experts continued with a major investigation of the drill core comprising detailed mineralogical, petrological and geochemical studies.
- Strong cash balance of ~$6m at 30 September 2021 to fund a material drilling campaign in coming Quarters at both Horse Well and Pernatty C
- All tenements (SA, WA and Qld) maintained in good standing.
- The Mining Lease application over the Pyramid Lake gypsum project (WA) was recommenced after a delay due to a change in application conditions.
- Full Work Health and Safety (WHS) documentation completed to ensure compliance.
To view the full Quarterly Report, please visit:
About Cohiba Minerals Limited:
Cohiba Minerals Ltd. (ASX:CHK) is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange with the primary focus of investing in the resource sector through direct tenement acquisition, joint ventures, farm in arrangements and new project generation. The shares of the company trade under the ticker symbol CHK.
The Company recently acquired 100% of the shares in Charge Lithium Pty Ltd, which holds exploration licences in Western Australia.
Cohiba Minerals Ltd.
Andrew Graham CEO