Cyprium Metals Ltd: Quarterly Activities Report
The drilling programme involved a number of facets of drilling into and surrounding the mineralised area, with the majority of the Phase 1 Hollandaire RC drilling programme being focused on the Hollandaire West copper mineralisation, to test for shallow extensions.
The locations of the drill hole collars at the Hollandaire and Hollandaire West copper mineralisation are shown in Figure 1*. The red outline shows the current mineralisation projected to the surface against drill-hole collars for extensional and infill drilling.
4,038m of RC drill holes were drilled at Hollandaire West to test:
- the veracity of the historical results;
- mineralisation where there was a significant gap between historical intersections; and
- for mineralisation extensions.
The following sections (see link below) are provided to illustrate the RC drilling results completed in the September quarter and also illustrated in the sections are the historical drilling undertaken by previous operators at the project. Red outlines are Silver Lake Resources 2012 interpreted mineralisation wireframes.
Each section is annotated with grade intercept(s) from the phase 1 drilling completed by the company. Drillhole traces have been coloured by copper grade as detailed in the legend of Figure 2*. Where drillhole traces are dark grey, no sampling has been completed. Further sampling has been undertaken in parts of the recently completed drillholes where alteration and mineralisation was noted with assay results to be reported once these have been received.
Infill drilling between historical holes is shown in Figure 2* where 19HORC014 intersects the mineralisation between two historical holes whilst 19HORC15 intersects downdip mineralisation.
The intersection of mineralisation outside the historical wireframes indicates the potential to increase the mineralised envelope in these areas.
Figure 3* shows the 19HORC010 intersection between historical drillholes and confirming high grade continuity in this section of the mineralisation. The 19HORC11A intersection demonstrates repeatability with historical assays in the thicker section of the copper mineralisation. There are a number of drill holes in this section where further sampling and assaying is required and again there are mineralised intersections that are outside the historical wireframes.
* To view the full quarterly report, please visit:
About Cyprium Metals Ltd:
Cyprium Metals Ltd. (ASX:CYM) is poised to grow to a mid-tier mining business and manage a portfolio of Australian copper projects to deliver vital natural resources, strong shareholder returns and sustainable value for our stakeholders. We pursue this aim, in genuine partnerships with employees, customers, shareholders, local communities and other stakeholders, which is based on integrity, co-operation, transparency and mutual value creation.
Cyprium Metals Ltd.
Cyprium Metals Ltd. T: +61 8 6169 3050 WWW: