Venus Metals Corporation Limited: IMARC Presentation- Rich Vanadium Oxide
1. The JORC 2012 inferred oxide resource is 110 million tonnes grading 0.3% V2O5 (Refer ASX release 6 February 2015)
2. Youanmi oxide ore different to all others - high vanadium, low iron, high clay
3. Oxide ore starts at surface
4. Rich vanadium oxide ore high graded by simple crushing - no grinding
5. V, Cu, Ni and Co can be successfully recovered by simple acid leaching
6. Venus has target* potential for over 1 billion additional tonnes of rich vanadium oxide along 25km of strike (Refer ASX release 6 February 2015)
*The potential quantity and grade of the Exploration Target is conceptual in nature, that there has been insufficient exploration to estimate a Mineral Resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the estimation of a Mineral Resource
1. Inferred Oxide Resource occurs over a zone 3.5km long and up to 400m wide.
2. Magnetic highs correlate with a high grade vanadium core zone.
3. Vanadium supergene enrichment occurs within completely weathered saprolite.
4. Vanadium values extend into fresh rock.
1. Vanadium mineralization occurs within magnetite grains.
2. Balance of rock is coarse grained feldspar containing no vanadium.
3. Feldspar weathers completely to clay in the saprolite zone at Youanmi.
4. Creates large tonnages of rich vanadium oxide soft rock which can be easily mined and cheaply beneficiated.
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About Venus Metals Corporation Limited:
Venus Metals Corporation Ltd. (ASX:VMC) holds a significant and wide ranging portfolio of Australian base and precious metals exploration projects comprising lithium, cobalt, vanadium, copper, zinc, nickel, gold and platinum group of elements.
Key project areas in Western Australia include:
- Pincher Well Zinc-Copper Project (Youanmi): Over 5 km of under explored VMS trend with an Exploration Target of 15-20 Million Tonnes@ 2-8% Zinc,which also hosts a number of high grade lodes (>10% Zinc).
- Currans Well Cobalt-Nickel-Copper Project (Youanmi): Significant Cobalt mineralisation up to 1483 ppm Co in historical drilling. Extensive Lateritic Duricrust Co-Ni target areas identified.
- Curara Well Nickel-Copper-Gold Project (Doolgunna):10 km northeast of Sandfire Resources DeGrussa Copper Mine. Wide intercepts of disseminated Nickel Sulphides (Millerites) in Ultramafics.
- Southern Cross Vanadium Project (Youanmi): JORC 2012 Inferred Vanadium Mineral Resource of 167.7 Millions Tonnes @ 0.41% V2O5, 7.52% TiO2.
- Strategic Lithium-Tantalum Projects in WA.
Venus Metals Corporation Ltd.
Matthew Hogan Managing Director T: +61-8-9321-7541 Barry Fehlberg Executive Exploration Director T: +61-8-9321-7541