Cruz Cobalt Corp. Looking to Start Operations on Cobalt Prospects in BC
Cruz President, Jim Nelson, stated, "We are very excited to be starting up operations on our properties located within BC. Recent airborne data gathered on Cruz's British Columbia cobalt properties have shown strong magnetic features within the cobalt prospects and we anticipate beginning operations shortly utilizing the flow through funds on hand."
Cruz currently has nine cobalt projects located throughout North America, comprising of five in Ontario, two in British Columbia, one in Idaho and one in Montana. Cruz's five separate Ontario cobalt prospects are all located in the vicinity of the town of Cobalt making Cruz one of the largest landholders in this emerging cobalt district. Cruz's Ontario projects include the 1,265 acre Coleman cobalt prospect, the 900 acre Johnson cobalt prospect, the 4,980 acre Hector cobalt prospect, the 1,580 acre Bucke cobalt prospect and now the 10,556 Lorraine cobalt prospect. The company's BC prospects include the 15,219 acre War Eagle cobalt prospect and the 11,821 acre Purcell prospect. Cruz's USA projects include the 1,940 acre Chicken Hawk prospect in Montana and the 880 acre Idaho Star prospect.
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James Nelson, President
Toll free 1.855.599.9150
twitter @CruzCobalt