Tantalus Rare Earths AG: Markus Kivimäki resigns as CEO
Markus Kivimäki joined Tantalus in 2013 and was appointed as the CEO in 2016. Supervisory Board sincerely thanks him for his resilience in steering Tantalus through the challenging years.
On May 15, the duties of Markus Kivimäki will be assumed by Tantalus' CFO, Kalle Lehtonen, who will thus become the sole member of the company's Management Board.
Tantalus Rare Earths AG
Management Board
Markus Kivimäki, CEO
Tantalus Rare Earths AG
Tel.: +358 50 3495687
Kalle Lehtonen, CFO
Tantalus Rare Earths AG
Tel.: +358 40 0539968
German media contact
rikutis consulting
Falk v. Kriegsheim
Tel.: +49 172 9837109