MZI Resources Ltd. Construction at Keysbrook Project Nears Completion
- Project is ahead of schedule and on budget
- Early commissioning at both Keysbrook and Picton sites
- All structural steel and mechanical items installed
- First production in Q4 2015
- First sales targeted for Q1 2016
At the end of August, the project was 88% complete and tracking to commence commissioning approximately 2 to 3 weeks early. First production is due in the December quarter, followed by first product sales in early 2016.
The Project remains on budget.
At the Keysbrook site, all structural and mechanical items have been installed and the wet concentration plant (WCP) has been clad. The site has been energised following its connection to the electricity grid by Western Power, triggering the commencement of pre-commissioning activities. The thickener has been largely completed, with minor sealing works to be finalised in the coming month.
Transmin has mobilised to the Keysbrook site and assembly of the Mining Feed Unit (MFU) is well underway.
The new Komatsu mining fleet has been commissioned and is undertaking pre-mining activities to establish an initial void for sand waste coming from the WCP when operations commence.
At the Doral site in Picton all structural and mechanical items have been installed and the new annex has been clad. The site has also been energised and pre-commissioning activities have begun.
MZI's Managing Director, Trevor Matthews, said "Very shortly the Keysbrook Project will become operational and will be the world's largest - and WA's first - primary producer of leucoxene, as well as a substantial producer of zircon. The low risk and substantial exploration and recovery upside of the Keysbrook Project creates an excellent foundation for MZI to become a significant supplier of premium mineral sands to the global market.
"As first production approaches, MZI will continue its work in realising further upside for shareholders through increased recoveries, production efficiencies and resources expansion".
Progress to date is depicted in the link below.
About MZI Resources Ltd:
MZI Resources Ltd. (ASX:MZI) is a mineral sands company focused on the high value minerals of zircon, rutile and leucoxene. It has an advanced project at Keysbrook, Western Australia.
The Keysbrook project, located 70kms from Perth, Western Australia, is an advanced zircon / leucoxene rich mineral sands project. It has been granted all environmental, development and extractive industry license approvals from the relevant statutory authorities and Shires. Construction commenced early in 2015.
Trevor Matthews, Managing Director
MZI Resources Ltd.
T: +61-8-9328-9800 F: +61-8-9328-9911