KBL Mining Ltd. APP Securities Research Report
The snapshot is available on the Company's website at www.kblmining.com.au
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About KBL Mining Ltd:
KBL Mining Ltd. (ASX:KBL) is an Australian resource company listed on the ASX (KBL and KBLGA) with a focus on precious and base metals. KBL's main assets include the Mineral Hill copper-gold-silver-lead-zinc project near Condobolin in New South Wales and Sorby Hills silver-lead-zinc deposit in Western Australia.
The Company has been operating the refurbished processing plant at Mineral Hill since October 2011 to produce copper concentrates with gold and silver credits. Gold production is currently expanding with increased gold grades and recoveries from underground production together with a high grade, open cut gold-silver mine to commence operation this year.
Sorby Hills is one of the world's largest near surface undeveloped lead deposits, close to port infrastructure and a short distance from Asian markets. KBL holds 75% of the project with China's largest silver, lead and gold group, Henan Yuguang Gold & Lead Co. Ltd (HYG&L) holding 25%. EPA Environmental approvals are in place
Brian Wesson, Managing Director
KBL Mining Ltd.
T: +61-2-9927-2000
F: +61-2-9927-2050
E: info@kblmining.com.au