Valence Industries Limited - Rewards Shareholders with Brokerage Free Share Sale Facility
The sale of holdings that are less than a Marketable Parcel is permitted under ASX Listing Rules and Clause 5.6 of VXL's Constitution. VXL has initiated the share sale facility to enable shareholders holding less than a Marketable Parcel to have their shares sold without paying brokerage. VXL will organise payment of all the transaction costs of sale for those shareholders who take advantage of the Share Sale Facility (although any tax consequences from the sale will be the shareholder's responsibility).
The Record Date for purpose of establishing holders of less than Marketable Parcels is the close of trade on 20 February 2014. The closing price of the Company's shares on the Record Date was $0.285 (28.5 cents) and on that basis less than a Marketable Parcel is 1,754 shares.
Approximately 1,621 or 40%, of the Company's 4,015 shareholders hold less than Marketable Parcels making up only approximately 0.38% of the Company's fully paid ordinary shares on issue. By facilitating the sale of less than marketable parcels, the Company expects to reduce the administrative costs associated with maintaining a large number of small shareholdings.
A letter outlining the procedures of the Share Sale Facility will be mailed to eligible shareholders on 3 March 2014 and you do not need to do anything further until you receive these details.
Below is an indicative timetable for the sale of the less that Marketable Parcels:
Record date to determine
less than marketable parcels Thursday, 20 Feb 2014
Divestment notice mailing
date Monday, 3 March 2014
Closing Date Thursday, 17 April 2014
Selling of less than
marketable parcels commences Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Remittance of proceeds of 10 business days
sales to participants after the last sale
For further information, please contact:
Jaroslaw (Jarek) Kopias
Company Secretary
About Valence Industries:
Valence Industries plans to restart operations at the world-class Uley Graphite Project on the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia.
Valence Industries
Investor Relations
T: +61-8-8418-8564